We will produce a custom logo animation

Stand Out from among the crowd and Set Yourself Apart from your competition with an animation that’s unique to you! Don’t settle for a cookie-cutter design that just plugs your logo into a template without any consideration for your brand! Rather, let us work together to create a truly professional animation produced by a professional with over a decade of experience.
To get started please provide:
Your artwork (logo) in vector .eps , .ai, layered PDF or high quality layered .psd format. If you ONLY have a .jpeg or .png file, no worries, please message me first to discuss.
★ Custom Logo Animation:
✓ Unique style
✓ 100% custom
✓ Modern design
✓ Tailored to your brand/message
✓ Top-notch service & communication
Don’t hesitate just reach out.
Is the animation truly custom designed?
Indeed! Why settle for a cookie-cutter template that doesn’t showcase the details of your logo? My job is to set you apart from your competition by meticulously animating the elements of your logo, bringing it to life and telling a brief story about your business through this animation.
Are you using stock music?
The music used is royalty-free commercially licensed stock music that is hand picked to fit your logo. This ensures a quicker turn around time when working on the audio segment of your production.
What is custom sound design?
This is sound that is tailored to the movement of your logo’s elements, such as the text, the icons, atmosphere and other subtleties.
What is your style of animation?
The animation style we mainly use is flat style 2D cut-out animation, which allows me to manipulate the elements of your logo design to bring it to life in an engaging way. Other styles are possible but please chat with us before ordering just to be sure it is something we can accommodate. Thank you.
What do I need in order to get started?
Please provide your artwork in vector .eps, .ai, layered PDF, or high-quality layered .psd format as well as a brief description (if any) stating any ideas you may have.
Can I use these animations commercially?
Of course! All of my animations whether the Basic, Standard, or Premium, can be used commercially, no need to pay extra! You have full rights!
What is a transparent background [Logo Transparency]?
A logo animation can be delivered to you with a transparent background, in .mov .png alpha codec. This allows you to place your animation on top of images/footage or even other solid colored backgrounds.
Do you offer other services beside logo animation?
Yes, please check the service section.